I love vegetables and am a vegetarian of many years. I recently turned vegan. I have traveled all over the United States teaching, and on my travels met many women with health problems. I am concerned that they do not know how to eat. In the United States we have become dependent on packaged foods. If you read the label there are many words you can't pronounce. If you can't say them, please do not put them into your body.
There is a myth that eating meat is the only way to get protein when many vegetable's have more!
Some women believe that calcium builds bones but recent research has shown that this is not true.
Food is medicine......choose whole, plant based foods. Dieting is totally unnecessary if you eat a plant based diet.
Read-- "Forks Over Knives." This is a new book and movie about a plant-based diet. You can click on Amazon Books on the right and buy it now. It could save your life.
Love the painting! I agree that a plant based diet is much healthier for us... but also, think of the animals that are suffering everyday living in industrial factory farms where they are mistreated and kept in confinement...not to mention the environmental hazzards of dealing with the waste! I saw a movie yesterday, it was part of the Chesapeake Film festival- Very thought provoking. Out to Pasture was the name of it and it was somehow connected to Johns Hopkins. It was about how there is a movement back to the family farm... There will always be those who eat meat... Now how do we get people to think about who they are supporting... big business or the family farm. I think it is going to require people to reduce consumption alot and simplify their diets. I am with you... sticking to the plant based diet for health reasons!