Sunday, September 11, 2011

Having some fun with Color and Design

 Some of  you will  have the opportunity to  paint this design in a color family of your choice next weekend in my Color Clock Class.  It is important to play with color and shape. Forget about having a finished painting suitable for framing.  You will never learn if you don't free yourself up to fool around for the pure fun of it.  This is  a step by step rendition of a simple design, It is Color Family #9 which is yellow, yellow-orange, orange, red-orange and red. Blue is the   complement of the family.   This may look easy but it takes alot of time and thought. I started with an original     drawing, but as I used darker values in  later stages of layering I made up the shapes.

This is the under-painting
Starting to define the shapes

Coming along

Getting Closer but I need those important dark values

Finished!!!!! I fussed on the last steps. It is an intensely warm painting.