Monday, September 5, 2011

A Painter and a Hurricane

I had no idea how frustrated I would be the week Hurricane Irene hit us here in Maryland!   We lost power for 7 days!   On the first day I got a little excited thinking that I would  get lots of painting done during the day. After all, there would be no meals to cook and cleaning was out of the question.TV wasn't an issue either.but I would miss the radio.

So the first day I went to my studio and realized my water buckets were dirty. UH OH--- we are on a well that isn't working... and our tub held all the water for the week--- did I dare take that precious water out. I did the first day.  

The second day  I finished a new drawing-- I placed it on my light box in order to transfer it to the watercolors paper and quickly remembered it wasn't working.    The water became a bigger issue--- day 2 and we  lost the second bath tub holding water.

Ultimately I gave up-- I  dump my water buckets frequently and  I knew it was taking a chance to use water for my pleasure when toilets were more important.   

The ultimate frustration--- the power went on 7 days later with a teaspoon of water left in the tub and I came down with a chest cold.    Needless to say, I am watching the weather channel and praying the rest of the bad weather goes out to sea!   Hope the rest of you had a better experience with Hurricane Irene.  Happy painting Jane

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